11th Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems (MTE2012, Korea)
▶ Conference (15-18 August 2012)
The registration fee includes admission to the poster and oral presentations, abstract volume, refreshments, and welcome & farewell dinner.
▶ Post-symposium field excursion (19-22 August 2012)
This registration fee includes field guide book, accommodations, meals and transportation during the excursion.
* Field Excursion Guide
: Prof. Martin G. Lockley, University of Colorado at Denver, USA
11th Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems (MTE2012, Korea)
▶ Conference (15-18 August 2012)
The registration fee includes admission to the poster and oral presentations, abstract volume, refreshments, and welcome & farewell dinner.
▶ Post-symposium field excursion (19-22 August 2012)
This registration fee includes field guide book, accommodations, meals and transportation during the excursion.
* Field Excursion Guide
: Prof. Martin G. Lockley, University of Colorado at Denver, USA
11th Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems (MTE2012, Korea)
▶ Conference (15-18 August 2012)
The registration fee includes admission to the poster and oral presentations, abstract volume, refreshments, and welcome & farewell dinner.
▶ Post-symposium field excursion (19-22 August 2012)
This registration fee includes field guide book, accommodations, meals and transportation during the excursion.
* Field Excursion Guide
: Prof. Martin G. Lockley, University of Colorado at Denver, USA
11th Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems (MTE2012, Korea)
▶ Conference (15-18 August 2012)
The registration fee includes admission to the poster and oral presentations, abstract volume, refreshments, and welcome & farewell dinner.
▶ Post-symposium field excursion (19-22 August 2012)
This registration fee includes field guide book, accommodations, meals and transportation during the excursion.
* Field Excursion Guide
: Prof. Martin G. Lockley, University of Colorado at Denver, USA
11th Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems (MTE2012, Korea)
▶ Conference (15-18 August 2012)
The registration fee includes admission to the poster and oral presentations, abstract volume, refreshments, and welcome & farewell dinner.
▶ Post-symposium field excursion (19-22 August 2012)
This registration fee includes field guide book, accommodations, meals and transportation during the excursion.
* Field Excursion Guide
: Prof. Martin G. Lockley, University of Colorado at Denver, USA
11th Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems (MTE2012, Korea)
▶ Conference (15-18 August 2012)
The registration fee includes admission to the poster and oral presentations, abstract volume, refreshments, and welcome & farewell dinner.
▶ Post-symposium field excursion (19-22 August 2012)
This registration fee includes field guide book, accommodations, meals and transportation during the excursion.
* Field Excursion Guide
: Prof. Martin G. Lockley, University of Colorado at Denver, USA
11th Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems (MTE2012, Korea)
▶ Conference (15-18 August 2012)
The registration fee includes admission to the poster and oral presentations, abstract volume, refreshments, and welcome & farewell dinner.
▶ Post-symposium field excursion (19-22 August 2012)
This registration fee includes field guide book, accommodations, meals and transportation during the excursion.
* Field Excursion Guide
: Prof. Martin G. Lockley, University of Colorado at Denver, USA
11th Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems (MTE2012, Korea)
▶ Conference (15-18 August 2012)
The registration fee includes admission to the poster and oral presentations, abstract volume, refreshments, and welcome & farewell dinner.
▶ Post-symposium field excursion (19-22 August 2012)
This registration fee includes field guide book, accommodations, meals and transportation during the excursion.
* Field Excursion Guide
: Prof. Martin G. Lockley, University of Colorado at Denver, USA
2012-09-15 ~ 2012-09-15
2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 논문초록 마감일
일시 : 2012-09-15~2012-09-15
행사명 : 2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 논문초록 마감일
2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 논문초록 마감일 안내
- 일시: 2012년 9월 15일(토) 18:00까지
2012-10-24 ~ 2012-10-24
2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 개최
일시 : 2012-10-24~2012-10-24
행사명 : 2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 개최
2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 개최 안내
- 일정: 2012년 10월 24일(수) ~ 27일(금)
- 장소: 하이원컨벤션호텔
2012-10-25 ~ 2012-10-25
2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 개최
일시 : 2012-10-25~2012-10-25
행사명 : 2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 개최
2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 개최 안내
- 일정: 2012년 10월 24일(수) ~ 27일(금)
- 장소: 하이원컨벤션호텔
2012-10-26 ~ 2012-10-26
2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 개최
일시 : 2012-10-26~2012-10-26
행사명 : 2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 개최
2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 개최 안내
- 일정: 2012년 10월 24일(수) ~ 27일(금)
- 장소: 하이원컨벤션호텔
2012-10-27 ~ 2012-10-27
2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 개최
일시 : 2012-10-27~2012-10-27
행사명 : 2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 개최
2012 추계지질과학연합학술대회 개최 안내
- 일정: 2012년 10월 24일(수) ~ 27일(금)
- 장소: 하이원컨벤션호텔